Stats Updated

 Posted by Elizabeth at 12:57 pm
Jul 202011

I finally remembered to update our stats page if anyone is interested in checking it out.

  5 Responses to “Stats Updated”

  1. Liz and Wayne,

    Your trips are amazing. We are watching your trips closely.

    It is absoultely wonderful to follow!

    Your stats are so detailed i am surprised.

    You are doing a great job, keep up the good work.

    Peter Yang (

    • Hi Peter
      Thanks for taking the time to send us a comment and glad you are enjoying reading it. Maybe it will inspire you to go on an adventure one day. We are having an absolutely fantastic time and it will be hard to go back to our normal lives again. Hopefully will catch you one day at the club.

      • Nairobi trip once again sounds terrific!! With all the wild animals and all. It is funny that we only appreciate when things are scarce (ie your ‘lodge stay’…)

        Sorry to hear about your Toyota reception, maybe it is a cultural thing with locals being lay back and taking their time,

        Absoultely, Liz. I am sure we would catch up at later time at the club.

        I gotta get my wife Irene to follow up your itenery as she is the organised one with all the samll details she is the best for that.

        Still reading with GREAT envy!!


        • Hi Peter
          I guess it is all part of the Africa experience, but every now and then it gets frustrating! Not looking forward to spending another day in Toyota in Nairobi to fix our sick car.
          If you seriously do decide to do even a small trip to Africa we’d be more than happy to help you out with whatever we know.

  2. Hi Liz & Wayne,
    Wow, looks like you are enjoying yourselves and making the most of it!
    Just letting you know, Melissa gave birth to our 3rd son last week, we named him Joshua Jonah. He was a biggen weighing 4.01 kgs and 55cm in length. (big compared to the last two anyway).
    Work is less than fantastic at present with many further changes being made…read between the lines!
    Anyway enjoy the rest of your trip and be safe!

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