Weekend Practice Trip

 Posted by Elizabeth at 8:38 pm
Feb 062011

Back to Willowglen 1This weekend we joined a trip with our 4wd club to practice our new skills. To say we got to practice a bit is an understatement! Some Back to Willowglen 2of the tracks we tackled were pretty full on for our stock standard Prado! We spent Saturday wandering the tracks on the club property at Willowglen. There are numerous tracks on the property with varying degrees of difficulty and plenty to put our skills to the test. For those that know the property, most of us decided to go UP the opposing wheels and the road building tracks for a challenge. The Prado made it up both, which is pretty impressive. There were a few tracks we didn’t try considering the guys with lift kits and lockers were having difficulty! (See the photos).

Back to Willowglen 3Sunday we took the long way back to Nowra through Monkey Gum Road. What a great experience! It was pretty challenging for both the driver and our Prado (a lift kit would have Back to Willowglen 4been useful!). If we can get through that road we should be able to tackle anything Africa can throw at us, well at least where we are intending to go. Not so sure we’d make it through the Congo! A few minor casualties to a couple of vehicles but all in all a great day and excellent practice for us. Not so sure though we’ll be tackling anything so full on again with our stock standard Prado, but we’ve done it, we survived and it was excellent practice. The photos just never do it justice, it was about 100 times harder than it looks!  

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